SATURDAY, AUGUST 19morning program 10:30-12:00 SEMINARS a. How Do I Pronounce "Zine"? And What Will I
Get If I Make One? Room 022 Jimmy Corrigan, DePaul UniversityModerator Seth Friedman, Publisher, Factsheet Five, CA Lisa Carver, Rollerderby, CA Darby, Ben Is Dead, CA Don Salemi, Brutarian, VA Batya Goldman, Publisher, Mary Kuntz Press, Founder, Underground
Press Conference, Poet, Mother, Saint, IL This panel will
discuss the proper pronunciation of "zine", including
regional dialect and foreign language versions. Panelists will
also talk about how to get free stuff from music and book publishers,
as well as tips on how to trade your zine for other, superior
b. What to Do With All Those Unsold Zines? Room 925 Mr. Wizard, Cal TechModerator Robert Dupree, Subliminal Tattoos, WA Chip Rowe, Chip's Closet Cleaner, IL Seth Friedman, Factsheet Five, CA Mike Smith, Smith Recycling, IL Chris Dodge, MSRRT Newsletter, MN This panel takes
a practical look at a dilemma that many zine publishers might
be a little embarassed to admit. Your starry- eyed visions of
a world just waiting for your publication have amounted to a
closet full of boxes of unsaleable pulp. You'd be surprised who'll
take them off your hands and maybe even pay you. Why, there are
thousands of libraries and Universities and University libraries
out there just waiting, and if worse comes to worse, paper gets
about ten cents a pound. You'll be glad you sprang for those
extra-heavy paper stock covers now!
c. Guns & Zines Go Together Like Pork & Beans,
Room 911 Professor Griff, DePaul UniversityModerator Jim Goad, ANSWER Me!, OR Hollister Kopp, Gunfag, CA Randall Phillip, Fuck, PA Seth Friedman, Factsheet Five, CA T. Crites, Malefact, PA The biggest trend
in zine publishing has creators arming themselves to the teeth
in anticipation of the much discussed "zine wars" that
many feel are nearing the boiling point. Join this panel of experienced
gun enthusiasts for a discussion of the frightening developments
that have taken place recently in our once peaceful zine community.
Sat. 12-1:45 MILK & GRAHAM CRACKERS afternoon program 1-5:00 Exploring Firearms WorkshopDePaul Gymnasium Hollister Kopp, Gunfag Theo Kojak, NYPD Jim & Debbie Goad, ANSWER Me! T. Crites, Malefact Randall Phillip, Fuck Kurt Cobain, Nirvana Full Force Frank, Singin' Dem Ol' Psychotic Blues Lt. Dan Kelly, Chicago Police Department Gary Groth, Fantagraphics Seth Friedman, Factsheet Five Ongoing tutorials
on everything from hand guns to grenade launchers. Have you ever
wondered how firepower can give your publication more authority?
Ever wondered if there was one tool that could solve all your
problems? Then this is for you. Just come on down to our state-of-the-art
shooting range and work with your own tutor to find the perfect
firearm. Plenty of free beer, too!
1:45-3:15 SEMINARS a. Barbie & The Brady Bunch: Deifying the Dreck of
Yesteryear, Room 222 The Professor, Gilligan's IslandModerator Russ Forster, 8-Track Mind, MI Ferris & Morgan, Funk N Groove, CA Pagan Kennedy, Writer, MA Dean Williams, TV Grind, IL Seth Friedman, Factsheet Five, CA Come get into a
'70s retro-kinda-thang! Polyester suits and sitcom references
are sure to abound in this lighthearted look at arrested adolescence.
b. Obsession: It's Not Just a Fragrance, It Stinks, Room
007 M.T. Wastebasket, DePaul UniversityModerator Al Hoff, Thrift Score, PA Dan Kelly, Danger!/Evil, IL Chip Rowe, This Is Spinal Tap Zine, IL Brother Randall, Snake Oil, TX Seth Friedman, Factsheet Five, CA Zining's most obsessed
publishers have finally realized that they've wasted their entire
lives on useless pop cultural flotsam. Deciding to change all
that, panelists will pool their collective talent for blind,
tunnel-visioned obsession and NOT leave the room until they have
developed a) A cure for cancer, b) a smooth, dry martini, and
c) a rhyme for "orange."
c. McQuimby: The Next Generation, Room 33 Palm Dior, Harvard UniversityModerator Steven T. Svymbersky, CEO, Qvimby International Industries Inc.,
IL Seth Friedman, Publisher, Factsheet Five, CA Panel is actual
set up for the taping of Mr. Svymbersky's new infomercial "Alternative
Press = Alternabonanza!" Mr. Svymbersky will show how with
only a $10,000 franchising fee (payable in small, unmarked bills,
please) you too can open a hip, happening, alternative bookstore!
With your fee, you will receive all the necessary equipment,
training, uniforms, health/dental plans necessary to make your
store a raging success story, bound to crush lesser stores in
its path. Mr. Svymbersky will conclude his presentation by draping
his legs behind his ears and letting all interested parties to,
"come take a crack at him."
d. The Reviewers Dunk Tank. Depaul University Gymnasium Seth Friedman, Factsheet Five, CA Jerod Pore, Factsheet Five Electric, CA Bevvy Messerntsky, Lumpen Times, Tail Spins, IL Heath Row, Karma Lapel, Tail Spins, IL Larry Bob, Queer Zine Explosion, CA Soak that self-important
asshole who pissed on your paper! $1 for three throws.
3:15-3:30 NAP TIME Saturday 3:30-5:00 SEMINARS a. Fuck ME!?! Fuck YOU!!! Settling Your Differences in
the Zine World, Room 23 Skidoo Simon Bar Sinister, DePaul UniversityModerator Sean Tejaratchi, Crap Hound, OR Robert DuPree, Subliminal Tattoos, WA Jeff Koyen, Crank, NY Rev. Randy Tin-Ear, Angry Thoreauan, CA Jim Romenesko, Obscure Publications, WI Full Force Frank, Singin' Dem Old Psychotic Blues, NY? Seth Friedman, Factsheet Five, CA Panel will be held
in an electrified cage, filled with instruments of death and
mayhem. Techniques to be discussed include DuPree's devious "I'm
gonna sic my lawyers on you" feint, and Jim Romenesko's
dazzling, "Hey. C'mon, Frank, cut it out," defense.
Panel discussions will culminate with Jeff Koyen's insertion
of his entire foot into Tin-ear's ass.
b. Poetry. Why?!? Room 000 Ben D. Banana, DePaul UniversityModerator David Hernandez, Famous Poet/Writer of Ding-a-lings, IL Batya Goldman, Publisher, Mary Kuntz Press; Founder, Underground
Press Conference, Astronaut, Movie Star, Pub Wench, IL Oberc, Svengali, IL Paul Weinman, Poet/Publisher, Whiteboy Seth Friedman, Factsheet Five, CA Topics include:
Sending your poetry to publications; sending your poetry to publications
that do not publish poetry; continuing to send poetry to publishers
pleading with you to not send them more poetry; getting back
at those bastards who would not publish your poetry in their
publication through writing strongly-worded letters, spattered
by your sensitive poet teardrops.
c. How Your Zine Can Tear Down the Pig System Through Intensive
Interviewing of Bad Punk Rock Bands. Room 25 or 6 to 4 Dr. Victor Von Frankenstein, DePaul University
Moderator Tim Yohannan, Maximum Rocknroll, CA Larry Livermore, Punk Planet, IL Joseph Gervatital, No Longer a Fanzine, OH Seth Friedman, Factsheet Five, CA (TBA), Profane Existence, MN Subjects include:
Can there ever be too many Ian Mckaye and Jello Biafra interviews?
Moshing as political statement. Plus: Is your magazine's vital
punk rock message lost when 75% of it consists of record reviews?
SUNDAY, AUGUST 20morning program 10:30-12:00 SEMINARS a. Pearls Before Swine: Selling Your Zine to the (ick)
Unwashed Masses, Room 333 No Moderator as All Were too Intimidated
By Our Raw Pulsing Intellects Tom Frank, Editor/Publisher, The Baffler IL Tom Frank's Phd, The Baffler, IL Tom Frank's Ego, The Baffler, IL (and Parts of IN and WI) "Diamond's" Dave Mulcahey , Editor, The Baffler, IL Matt Weiland, Editor, The Baffler, IL Seth Friedman (Peering Through a Keyhole), Factsheet Five, CA The first nine
hours of this seminar will not be open to the public, and will
consist solely of the panelists "speaking" to one another
through a group Vulcan mindmeld. Spectators will be allowed in
during the last 15 minutes for a "Q & A" session,
save that only answers will be allowed.
b. Zining From Beyond the Grave, Room 666 Iva Bigbottom, DePaul UniversityModerator Mr. Apology, Apology Magazine, The Afterlife Eric Hampton, Kari and the Pirate, The Afterlife Boyd McDonald, Straight To Hell, Hell? Charles Bukowski, Poet/Writer, The Afterlife Seth Friedman, Publisher, Factsheet Five, CA Has death gotten
in the way of your publishing schedule? The zine world's most
recent fatalities are channeled by Seth Friedman in order to
find out how the publishing land lays on the Other Side. Topics
include: staying in touch with your printer via mediums; possessing
computer systems; and haunting your distributor until he coughs
up the money he owes you.
c. The Flavor of Advertiser Butt-Cheek. Room 812 Joe Camel, DePaul UniversityModerator
Miles Hurwitz, Might, CA Queen Mu, Mondo 2000, CA Rex Ehdlund, Hypno, CA (TBA), Third Word, IL Seth Friedman, Factsheet Five, CA Not everybody hates
selling advertising. For some it's infinitely easier than finding
interesting articles or artwork to print. Printing press releases,
reviewing product and giving head are just a few of the methods
to be discussed.
d. The Really Free Press, Room 000 Brian Hieggelke, NewCity, Moderator Leslie Stella, What's Uptown?, Lumpen Times, IL C.J. Laity, Letter X, IL Astro-Boy, Babble, IL Brent Ritzel, Tail Spins, IL Chris Marszewski, Lumpen Times, IL Many publishers
have come to realize the only way anyone is going to look at
their work is if they give it away for free. Chicago's Free Paper
editor's discuss the advantages of giving their readers "nothing
to lose."
2-1:45 SINGALONG & SNACK afternoon program 1:45-3:15 CONCLUDING SEMINAR Have We Gone Too Far? Room 666 Harry Balls,University of IllinoisModerator David McEachran, Whatcom County Prosecutor, WA Seth Friedman, Factsheet Five, CA Mike Diana, Boiled Angel, FL Lt. Dan Kelly, Chicago Police Department, IL Stuart Baggish, Pinella County Prosecutor, FL Do some publishers
push the First Amendment past it's limits? Not all free speech
is equal and many fear some hard time in the hoosegaw is the
only way we will be able to exorcise this menace from our community.
As an added bonus, five relatives of serial killer victims will
perform a symbolic prison-type gang rape on that pervert, Mike
Zine City '96 The Overblown Press
Conference will include zine pissing matches, painful poetry
readings, pointless panels, pretentious presentations, and a
pestilent paper sale. Celebrate the mundane, see history end,
and cruise. No Talent required!
Distributed anonymously at UPC '95. return
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